31 Minutos - Piloto TVN (2015)

  • NR
  • 12/18/2015 (CL)


The 31 Minutos pilot is the second pilot produced by Aplaplac for the series, this time to be presented to Televisión Nacional de Chile for broadcast. It has a structure and designs more similar to what would be seen in the series itself.

Álvaro Díaz González

Director, Writer

Rodrigo Salinas


Pedro Peirano

Director, Writer

Daniel Castro



Pedro Peirano's headshot

Pedro Peirano

Tulio Triviño / Raúl Guantecillo / Escusado (voice)
Álvaro Díaz González's headshot

Álvaro Díaz González

Balón Von Bola / Juan Carlos Bodoque / Pato Tengo Miedo (voice)
Rodrigo Salinas's headshot

Rodrigo Salinas

Tennison / Karla Rulos (voice)
Daniel Castro's headshot

Daniel Castro

Comfort / Mico Micófono (voice)
Lorena Penjean's headshot

Lorena Penjean

Gotita (voice)
