1776 (1972)

  • G
  • 11/09/1972 (US)
  • Drama, History
  • 2h 21m

The award winning musical comes to the screen!


Colonial representatives gather in Philadelphia with the aim of establishing a set of governmental rules for the burgeoning United States. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams charge Thomas Jefferson with the task of writing a statement announcing the new country's emancipation from British rule.

Peter H. Hunt


Peter Stone



William Daniels's headshot

William Daniels

John Adams
Howard Da Silva's headshot

Howard Da Silva

Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Ken Howard's headshot

Ken Howard

Thomas Jefferson
Blythe Danner's headshot

Blythe Danner

Martha Jefferson
Donald Madden's headshot

Donald Madden

John Dickinson (PA)
John Cullum's headshot

John Cullum

Edward Rutledge (SC)
David Ford's headshot

David Ford

Congressional President John Hancock (MA)
Ron Holgate's headshot

Ron Holgate

Richard Henry Lee (VA)
