A Lost Letter (1977)

  • NR
  • 06/07/1977 (RO)
  • Comedy
  • 2h 40m


The plot take place in 1883 in a small provincial town in Romania, where the corrupt establishment decide everything, including - of course - who will be the "elected" representative to the national Senate. A love letter from the bachelor mayor to the wife of the local party chief, gets lost and found by a drunk party supporter. The letter finds its way to the opposition party, which decide to use the letter by blackmailing the powerful local "camarilla", and to get his own man to represent the county. What follows is not easy to guess...


Ștefan Bănică's headshot

Ștefan Bănică

Ghita Pristanda
Aurel Cioranu's headshot

Aurel Cioranu

Drunk citizen
Octavian Cotescu's headshot

Octavian Cotescu

Nae Catavencu
Mircea Diaconu's headshot

Mircea Diaconu

Iordache Branzovenescu
Petre Gheorghiu's headshot

Petre Gheorghiu

Zaharia Trahanache
Mariana Mihuț's headshot

Mariana Mihuț

Zoe Trahanache
Victor Rebengiuc's headshot

Victor Rebengiuc

Stefan Tipatescu
Dem Rădulescu's headshot

Dem Rădulescu

Tache Farfuridi
