Western for the SDS (1968)

  • NR
  • 02/03/1968 (DE)
  • 21m


West­ern for the SDS por­trays the de­vel­op­ment of the left as a learn­ing pro­cess among wo­m­en who shar­p­en their aware­ness in the move­ment but cont­in­ue to have no say. The con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing the film is shown in the DFFB week­ly news­reel Re­quiem for a Com­pany. The West­ern was con­fis­cat­ed by the ad­min­is­tra­tion, and eigh­teen stu­dents who sid­ed with Straschek were ex­pelled from the acade­my. The film was considered lost until its rediscovery in 2018.

Günter Peter Straschek



Marlies Beddies's headshot

Marlies Beddies

Johannes Beringer's headshot

Johannes Beringer

Elke Edelmann's headshot

Elke Edelmann

Lore Ditzen's headshot

Lore Ditzen

Peter Homann's headshot

Peter Homann

Peter Thomas Krüger's headshot

Peter Thomas Krüger

Freya Raimbault's headshot

Freya Raimbault

Christian Semler's headshot

Christian Semler
